Blending temptarget dx11

so i am trying to work with dx11 all the time but everything gives me results which i dont quite understand

on top left is base image, on right image that i am bluring and then adding with blend dx11 texture fx to base, which can be seen on bottom
no blending:
blending alpha 0.5
blending alpha 1

i was trying to change texture format of temp target renderers to exclude alpha channels but that totally breaks everything, as if temptarget got mixed up with blur, i dont understand anything past that point because behavior is not consistent at all when i am changing texture type

can anybody help me get constant results? i want to use alpha of the objects while having that nice outer glow effect (and posiibility to select which things should have glows)

here is a patch so you can see for yourself

example alpha (25.3 kB)

try setting the renderers to R8G8B8A8_UNorm does that do what you want?
I’ve noticed blends and blurs behave strangely in 32bit, presumably because they are out of range

that did helped thanks,
i used R16G16B16A16_UNorm and it is ok,
before when i was changing other modes of texture it actually broke the renderer and i had to disconnect buffer and set it back to make it work, so i thought its completely broken

Best format to use is R8G8B8A8_UNorm, issue I have for now it that is actually set as pin default value, but for some reason 4v overrides and takes R32G32B32A32_Float instead.

For texture format change this is definitely fixed in b33x build