One Sentence: Whats happening in your workshop?
The objective is to transform daily life objects, e.g. Maracas, hammers or salt shakers, into Bitcoin miners able to connect to the blockchain, calculating a hash to trying to get a reward of 12.5 Bitcoins.
What 3 tags describe your workshop?
Device Art, Critical Engineering, Wireless interface.
In which of the three categories does your workshop fall: beginner, intermediate, advanced
How long will your workshop be?
Who is the target audience of your workshop?
artists, students,
What knowledge do you presume your participants have?
The very basics knowledge on electronic
What will attendees of your workshop learn?
Theoretically, it introduces concepts, examples, art-works and books in order to understand Bitcoin and Blockchain world. Practically proposes to work with a basic electronic circuit, welding and microcontrollers
Participants will build a BitCoin of Things (BoT) miner combining a Wi-Fi microcontroller and different sensors such as an accelerometer, microphones or buttons, generating a “Nonce” from its reads try to validate all the Blockchain pending transactions.
What technical requirements does your workshop have (apart from internet and a projector)?
- Soldering Iron. (we could provide it)
- Glue gun. (we could provide it)
Who would be the two hosts?
MartĂn Nadal, CĂ©sar Escudero Andaluz
How would the hosts qualify for the topic? (Describe and add links to portfolio website, github, vimeo,… accounts)
CĂ©sar Escudero Andaluz (BA, MA, MA, MA) is an artist and researcher, who work in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. He is focused on interface criticism, digital culture and its social and political effects. His work spans image-making, sculpture, videogame, installation, networked culture, IoT, robotics, interfaces appropriations, media archaeology. His artworks have been shown in international electronic-art events, museums, galleries and conferences including ARS ELECTRONICA (at) / ISMAR2015 (jp) / WRO2015 (pl) / TRANSNUMERIQUES (fr) / ESPACIO ENTER (sp) / HANGAR. Center for Art Research and Production (sp)
MartĂn Nadal Berliches is an artist/developer based in Linz and studying the Interface Cultures programm at KunstUni. In the past years he has collaborated in a variety of projects and taught some workshops related to art and technology. He is interested in illustration, cinematography, visualization, cryptocurrencies,
BITTERCOIN, the worst miner ever. – Space focused on technology, new media and artistic research.
muimota (Martin Nadal) · GitHub
Previous Workshops
-2016 ART MEETS RADICAL OPENNESS. Physical NET-bots,+ Death of Things Linz, (Austria).
-2016 ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL. Radical Atoms, Mini-maker Faire, Physical NET-bots, Linz, (Austria).
-2016 ETOPIA, Center of Art & Technology, Zaragoza (Spain)
-2016 YIMA, IoT, blockchain advisor Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina)
-2016 MEDIALAB PRADO Death of Things (DoT) (Spain)