How can I modify the value range of a pin (ex: -1 to 1 instead of 0 to 1)?
I have a LFO and an InputMorph (color)gradually blending one color to another,
but the node connected to the inputmorph switches from the first color to the other with no fade at all (at ~0.3 seconds). I tried many things but nothing seem to work.
How can I modify the value range of a pin (ex: -1 to 1 instead of 0 to 1)?
use the Map node
have a LFO and an InputMorph (color)gradually blending one color to another
have you used Damper, Decay or Waveshaper?
Sphere8_Y (DX9)#0.jpg
why are you using eight sphere nodes? one should be enough. use spreads - trust them…
Thanx oschatz, but I can’t spread existing spreads (if I do so, I have no new spreads, just a rotation af my first spreads); so I copied my spreaded sphere 8 times to get my made-of-spheres cube.