i just tried to route a stereo file with audioout(bass asio) to a multichannel interface but it always plays through output 1 + 2.
has anyone tried to address different channels or play surround in vvvv ?
i just tried to route a stereo file with audioout(bass asio) to a multichannel interface but it always plays through output 1 + 2.
has anyone tried to address different channels or play surround in vvvv ?
Mixer (Bass) is your friend :)
Set channel count to 6 and you need 12 entries in the volume (as you can route left to right and right to left…)
If you have another problem let me know (please note i experienced a few problems in windows 7 saying my 5.1 card having 2 outputs!).
Here is a sample for matrix mixing using Mixer (Bass) and Asio output.
If you have a problem with it let me know.
Mixer6ch.v4p (9.7 kB)
i had a go with mixer but obviously did something wrong.
i’m not in my surround office :) until tuesday, so i can give you feedback then.
cheers vux