hi all
i need some hardware tips for a project
here we go:
i 'ld like to stream/mix 4 video’s 1024x576@25fps
from my pc hard disc on 2 separate video beamers.
some of the vidéo files have embebed sound @16 bit stereo/44100Hz
all the videos are quite long : from 1 minute to 15 minutes
and i really need a good image quality
(total video time : 4 hours)
i’ve tested different codecs(DV,indeo etc…)
but i always experience some CPU or Hard disc bandwith issue
i’ve read many things on the forum/ codec FAQ
(wait for frame or MainLoop/keyframes/same codec
for all the files etc…)
but perhaps the embebed sound in the video file
is not a good idea?
anyway i’m not sure it’s possible to stream
all this video+audio material from
1 machine at a time with a standard config:
Cpu E6600@ 2.4GH/ 2 Go RAM/ Gforce 9600 GT/ HD 300 GO SATAII
/ matrox dual head digital edition
if you have any idea/tips to manage this kind of project
you’re the one :)
your machine seems ok if you used it as a banal multiple video player. perhaps go up to 4 Meg RAM if you are under XP.
about codecs: did you tried motionjpeg codec ? :-)
i try MJPEG…good performances
but output big files, to have a good image quality (max quality @20
in the codec preferences) :
550 Mo per minute of video with sound
with a 250 Go hard drive it should be ok
another question:
is it possible to load/save a patch with
a specific screen setup:
vvvv patch window on the main monitor
render1 @1024x576 on the first head of the matrox dual head
render2 @1024x576 on the second head of the matrox dual head
ok after some intensive testing
i’m fine with the MJPEG codec,
50fps with 4 filestram’s on 2 renders.
but…i don’t have multi screen setup at home
so before buying the hardware, i prefer to ask:
i’ve a dell desktop with a cheap integrated Graphic card,
and i wonder if it’s possible to add a 9600GT to feed the 2 video Projectors(or cheaper because the patch just stream video files)
i’ve read many many things on the forum…i see many people have the matrox double/triple head…
but in my case is it necessary to bypass the cheap GC ?
if the main display (xp desktop + vvvv patch) is on the cheap GC
(with same resolution/refresh rate as the 2 9600GT heads)
should it be ok ? regarding the performances in fullscreen mode
if somebody have already tested this kind of setup
you’re welcome :)
the guy i’m working with for the video’s is on…a mac
seems there’s no way to export AVI files with MJPEG codec from osx…!!!any ideas
hi ! mjpg is a codec available also in quicktime and for mac. mjpeg is a very used codec for its lightness, your video guy should make a tour around it … ( final cut got one if i remember well) ;-) unfortunately motion jpeg is a commercial codec
in the “4 display graphic card” thread i’ve read this
“It is always good not to mix several kinds of graphics card in one system but only use one model in one system (or at least different models that all are able to work with the same driver release).”
mmmm seems it’s not a good idea to mix different GC’s…
even if there’s no render on the cheap one?
hi charles.
it is not good to mix 2 different GC on a tower.
you should prefer to equip it with exactly identical graphic cards. I dont think any body can say precisely what would happen… between pipes, RAM, and constructors behaviours…
you may also split your output physically with a DualHead of Matrox.
this means:
you make 1 output of the 9600GT for your patch, the snd is set in 2048 x 768.
The split to 2 VP is done by the matrox external card ( wich is recommended if one day you wish to play with a laptop).