Auto Aspect Ratio with Skia renderer


I was used to v4 beta, I leave it for a some years, and I’m back, decided to learn Gamma ;)

However, I struggle finding tutorials so I’m stucked with simple stuff. Sorry then, I will ask stupid questions.

I want to do a 2D project, with a webcam video in fullscreen and a GUI on the top. So I choosed skia renderer (I hope this is a good choice).

I used videoin + drawimage to display the webcam image. But i cant find how to adapt the image to the screen (or the windows size) ? I played with size, sizemode, position. I guess I need to find a node returning the windows size ?

Since i did not understand the way skia coordiantes are working, I also struggle with pipet node I would like to use. I guess I need to map the pipet positions, but I dont knows how to map them ?

Thanks by advance for your help !


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Hi, it’s just pixels multiplied by 100 I think

Hello antokhio,

Thanks for your reply, I guess you are replying for pipet node use.

However, looking again to my problem this morning, I finally understand what I was looking for, so here is a more precise question :

In vvvv gamma, skia renderer, how to do the same than the option “Auto Aspect Ratio” we had in vvvv beta ?

Thanks by advance for your help,


Seems that “withinspace” node do the job

also these help patches have a lot of info:

Thanks tgd,

I actually did not see the help menu was so rich with examples (thanks to the devvvvs).

But unfortunatly I cant make my simple pipet work… I will post a dedicated topic for this with the patch.