I need a real help.
I m using vvvv for sending video AND sound.
In my 10 audiofiles, I have 4 audio files i m synchronizing my bangs on.
Those bangs are sended on a time base.
I have different results from same subpatches type approach:
I m defining a > < time condition, waiting that the current position is in this range to set a sending of ONE bang.
but some time this sending is done 2 or 3 or 4 times, and not everytime.
If I set my time more little, the bang is not seen from the subpatch that receives it.
If the time is too big, i have some bangs sended…
This range of time to have the signal ok seems to vary. And unforutunately the approach is not safe for me:
Those bangs are counted, in order to send the proper effect onbang event.
could someone help me to fix this ?
here is a sample patch.
the ******************** separation show subpatches.
audio_sync_trouble.v4p (29.2 kB)