so it seems like it is possible to run traktor, vvvv and ableton at the same time from one machine, i mean one laptop.
I can keep cpu on ableton under 40 with, asioforall as the driver, sending audio to line in on my mixer, which goes into traktor.
this way i can have one of decks on traktor as the ableton, which itself has a crossfader, so i can squeeze in two decks from ableton into traktor.
I once had it set so that I can use all the traktor effect on ableton as post fader, but somehow it only worked one time and I cant seem to get it back.
with traktor, i can keep the latency under 12ms, which is not super ideal but it works with 256 sample size.
then the main out traktor goes back into my computer with mic in (jack) which is fine for vvvv to monitor sound with 4 channel fft. the trick was to use realtek as soundcard for vvvv mic in, not the line in of the mixer-aiso driver.
this way, i still have one more line in on my mixer for a cd player.
now the only thing left is… getting the best performance out of vvvv 30 x86, which I think will take some time.
so there it is, it is possible to run ableton as a live sequencer/ groovebox using max4live plugin, feeding it into traktor, then taking the main out of traktor mixing ableton with two regular track decks and remix deck, put it through a field recorder for live recording, which has a live monitor out! that goes back into the vvvv as realtek mic in. and latency is…?? i think is about 10-15ms. but I cannot really tell by eye. It will probably take another week to tune it up…but no time!! I think this works, surprisingly.