Hey everyone,
i was digging in the old mre.mdmod trying to create a scene but i noticed the Assimp nodes are red.
I am using vvvv 45beta34.2 x64. I tried dragging the dll directly in the patch window but the nodes are still red.
Works fine on vvvv 45beta34.2 x86 tho.
Can anyone please test if he got them working so I can isolate the problem to my machines?
Tested on 3 computers including clean installations and still no go. The exception dialog is showing a lot of information but sadly i cant figure out whats wrong and how to fix it by myself.
I unmarked this as solved since it is still a problem - at least for me, I get all red DX9 assimp nodes in 34.2_x64. Anyone have the DX9 assimp nodes working in x64?
More info: depends.exe dependency walker shows the VVVV.Assimp.Nodes.dll in the x64 addonpack as an x86 library, which causes havoc with incompatible libs and missing delay-load dependency modules.
Well things don’t look good, 50beta35_x64 addonpack still has the DX9 help files but now no assimp libs… need to get to the vertices of a model, but in DX11 the InstanceNoodles03 GetVertexData appears broken (doesn’t work even with Teapot).