ArtNet Port commandline argument ignored?


wenn I try to change the artnet port with the commandline argument (for example “/artnetport 8080”) this has no effect.

I’m using the beta33.1 x64 but found the problem also in beta32 x64.

Also: Can’t you add a Pin to the ArtNet Nodes so you can have different ports to send and receive? Maybe it is pissible to have multiple ArtNet senders/receivers on different ports if there would be a pin directli on the node (or in the inspektor)?

I checked all versions since beta30 and found out it’s first broken since beta32, hope that helps

oh, seems we forgot to update the documentation. i did now, please see: commandline parameters#artnetsendport port

How about pins for the port :)

definitely doable. only not on top of the list of priorities.

Pins for universe and subnet would come over the port number on my list ;)

+1 for pins Subnet/Universe/Ports!! have been begging for that more than once.

and please push the position a little bit up.
Because i think i know too exactly what this means: