Are you in Mexico?

Hey vvvvolks,

happy new year, first of all!

As CCL-organizer, I’ld like to get an idea about the vvvv-community based in Mexico. Are you there? Where exactly?

And now just secondly: Are you interested in dance and choreography? Is the crowd big enough to make such an event ( happen there?
Do you know and what do you think about it?

Looking forward to your feedback!!

See you in Frankfurt in April!! :-)

Hm, it would be already interesting to know anything about vvvv activity in Mexico! Is there any?

Hey Jeanne,

this company works sometimes with VVVV

You can speak with Roberto Lopez (he speak`s german, too)


also @map shows quite some quads in mexico…
(beware: page takes quite a while to load)