hi all.
in my growing white cat (http://www.le-chat-noir-numerique.fr), i decided to incorporate communication with arduino (thanks to VVVV to make me heard about it).
i received and arduino card and just establisehd good communiaction with it.
at the beginning i was thinking of following usages:
-using arduino as an IO and potentiometer box for my lighting board
-using arduino for motors and relays driving from my app
But in the last week, more and more i m reading around, more and more i m facing this question:
-how to define an open way for users to make what they want and I didn t think about ?
reading / writing data can user defined easely. I m using Bytes way to send in array IO and analogs.
but should i incorpore like a keyword scheme, that the user can define on his own and makes what he wants with arduino ?
is there a limitation for real time applicatiosn with the serial port on usb ?
I m using 9600 bauds rate/asking for data from arduino all 20of seconds, waiting a string for io of max 128 bytes, and of analog 64 bytes ( + header for keywords 3 BYTES)
well. really arduino is hudge and i m very aware that my definitions on how to use it is not enough.
Voilà ! i need advices and suggestions ;-)