Hey, I’m new to vvvv and my area of expertise typically falls within multimedia programming in flash / director. I’m very intrigued by the fact that working with flash inside of vvvv is quite seamless and easy. My only question is, are there any known issues with flash inside of vvvv? Having the sheer power and assets of vvvv at my disposal in flash without a lot of custom integration would be great, fiducial tracking, all the freeframe video assets, etc. I just want to make sure the flash renderer isn’t going to go screwy on me or that there aren’t any known issues with performance or compatibility.
i was playing with vvvv and flash these days but i am new with this.
in my opinion, vvvv supports the flash 6 plug-in and as2 (working with vvvv version 33beta10). if i am wrong, i am looking forward to reading something different here.
in general it is very easy to send variables to flash.
if you are intersted, i may send you my first files or a screenshot.
vvvv makes use of the flash activex control installed on your system. the same that is used by your webbrowser display flash. so if you have installed version 9 of flash on your system the Renderer (Flash) in vvvv uses version 9 too. (you can check by rightclicking in the renderer)
we did quite heavy stuff with flash within vvvv in our industry design department (university). sort of prototype development, feeding sensordata via vvvv to flash. the flash projects incorporated all sorts of actionscripting and even embedded flv video.
basically, it works as advertised, although we stumbled over one tiny bug, one project kept ignoring one stop(); actionscript command in vvvv. i don’t know why because in the standalone player it worked for some reason. anyway, easy to find a workaround for this case…
in terms of performance i have only one suggestion …turn off evil hyperthreading if your cpu is using this crappy technology. we had severe performance problems, flash freezing for a minute etc.
btw. we show the stuff at the hannover messe next week.
i don’t use the internet explorer, that’s why the actual flash plugin was not installed via the internet explorer. thanks for the hint, now the plugin 9 is running in vvvv.
the beta10 was a relict from the vvvv-workshop at the m12 in berlin. i am not working with vvvv, that’s why i didn’t upgrade.