Animated Blender-Modell in VVVV?

Good Morning,
is there a way to Animate a Modell created in Blender?
I’ve loked a while at the Internet, but I’ve found nothing workable, one or two Nodes in the Help-Patches are allways Red and i don’t become it run…


hei christoph, if you see red nodes in patches, please always tell us where exactly, so we can fix those issues.

Here are a Example. Its from the FBX4V-Pack.

@microdee can you chime in here regarding the fbx pack?

yes, fbx stuff is unfortunately unsupported until further notice, I guess it will join the likes of emeshe, only difference is I like to revive it at some point but something is always more important. If you need only rigid or skinned animation actually the Assimp node is good with fbx most of the time especially from blender. With Assimp + mp.dx nodes you have all the animation features you’d have in FBX4V, except blendshapes/morph-targets.

Also red nodes are the one coming from mp.essentials and mp.dx, use vpm to install them (which takes care of dependencies and the likes) vpdb

@microdee thanks, vpm works fine.

But there are still many red Nodes…
I attached two Pictures in hope, you can Help me. I don’t know, if I need the red Nodes…

red nodes themselves unfortunately also not so helpful in finding errors, if there are red nodes though, there are exceptions, please turn on exception dialogs in the leaf menu

and tell me what it says (with details, but only message and stacktrace, I’m not interested in DLL’s)
after exceptions are enabled in an empty patch create About, Camera, TouchProcessor, MessagePath and Serialize (XAML) nodes and post the exception dialog for each of them.

I’ve tried this on my PC at Work and there are all Nodes youre named OK.

By the TextureRouter(Assimp) Node i have this Output:

Exception log with detailed tech info. Generated on 01.11.2018 13:02:12.
You may send it to the application vendor, helping him to understand what had happened.
Application title: ôôôô
Application file: C:\VVVV\vvvv_50beta37_x64\vvvv.exe

Exception class: EDivByZero
Exception message: Division by zero.
Exception address: 00000000009CF846

Main thread ID = 14516
Exception thread ID = 14516

Exception stack
Stack list, generated 01.11.2018 13:02:12
[00000000009CF846]{vvvv.exe } StringPins.TMStringPin.GetValue (Line 259, “StringPins.pas” + 1)
[00007FFA95893B6E]{ntdll.dll } KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[00000000009CF846]{vvvv.exe } StringPins.TMStringPin.GetValue (Line 259, “StringPins.pas” + 1)
[00000000009CFA50]{vvvv.exe } StringPins.TMStringPin.DoGetAsString (Line 314, “StringPins.pas” + 3)
[0000000000A1C088]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMPin.GetAsString (Line 2669, “Graph.pas” + 1)
[0000000000AAEF43]{vvvv.exe } StringEnumNodes.TMEnum2StringNodeLegacy.EvaluateCB (Line 762, “StringEnumNodes.pas” + 4)
[0000000000A1BA1F]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMPin.Evaluate (Line 2495, “Graph.pas” + 3)
[0000000000A1BC5E]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMPin._ValidateAllSlices (Line 2533, “Graph.pas” + 23)
[0000000000A180BC]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.ValidateAllOutputs (Line 1248, “Graph.pas” + 2)
[0000000000A18709]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.PrepareGraph (Line 1404, “Graph.pas” + 2)
[0000000000A18783]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.PrepareGraphCB (Line 1410, “Graph.pas” + 3)
[0000000000A10784]{vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 403, “Events.pas” + 11)
[0000000000A05C25]{vvvv.exe } MainLoop.TMMainLoop.DoTimer (Line 221, “MainLoop.pas” + 35)
[00000000006D5F39]{vvvv.exe } IdleTimer.TMIdleTimer.AppIdle (Line 153, “IdleTimer.pas” + 47)
[00000000005C7E1D]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Idle (Line 10743, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 8)
[00000000005C6978]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 10195, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 2)
[00000000005C6E64]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 10332, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 26)
[0000000000D95F8C]{vvvv.exe } vvvv.vvvv (Line 162, “” + 9)
[00007FFA93241FE4]{KERNEL32.DLL} BaseThreadInitThunk
[00007FFA9585EF91]{ntdll.dll } RtlUserThreadStart

Call stack for main thread
Stack list, generated 01.11.2018 13:02:12
[00007FFA95891B74]{ntdll.dll } ZwGetContextThread
[00000000004E7538]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 9978, “Vcl.Controls.pas” + 154)
[00000000005B89B0]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 4345, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 202)
[00000000004E67A9]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9691, “Vcl.Controls.pas” + 5)
[000000000048BF16]{vvvv.exe } System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 13896, “System.Classes.pas” + 9)
[00007FFA9516B85D]{USER32.dll } Unknown function at CallWindowProcW
[00007FFA9516B1EF]{USER32.dll } Unknown function at DispatchMessageW
[00000000005C68F4]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 10164, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 23)
[00000000005C6968]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 10194, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 1)
[00000000005BFA3D]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.ShowModal (Line 7036, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 34)
[0000000000959C29]{vvvv.exe } ExceptionDialog.TExceptionDialog.ShowException (Line 732, “ExceptionDialog.pas” + 37)
[0000000000958DC8]{vvvv.exe } ExceptionDialog.TExceptionDialog.ExceptionHandler (Line 531, “ExceptionDialog.pas” + 13)
[0000000000A12835]{vvvv.exe } BasicObjects.TMObject.LogWarningFmt (Line 239, “BasicObjects.pas” + 7)
[0000000000A1BABC]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMPin.Evaluate (Line 2501, “Graph.pas” + 9)
[0000000000A1BC5E]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMPin._ValidateAllSlices (Line 2533, “Graph.pas” + 23)
[0000000000A180BC]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.ValidateAllOutputs (Line 1248, “Graph.pas” + 2)
[0000000000A18709]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.PrepareGraph (Line 1404, “Graph.pas” + 2)
[0000000000A18783]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.PrepareGraphCB (Line 1410, “Graph.pas” + 3)
[0000000000A10784]{vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 403, “Events.pas” + 11)
[0000000000A05C25]{vvvv.exe } MainLoop.TMMainLoop.DoTimer (Line 221, “MainLoop.pas” + 35)
[00000000006D5F39]{vvvv.exe } IdleTimer.TMIdleTimer.AppIdle (Line 153, “IdleTimer.pas” + 47)
[00000000005C7E1D]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Idle (Line 10743, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 8)
[00000000005C6978]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 10195, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 2)
[00000000005C6E64]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 10332, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 26)
[0000000000D95F8C]{vvvv.exe } vvvv.vvvv (Line 162, “” + 9)
[00007FFA93241FE4]{KERNEL32.DLL} BaseThreadInitThunk
[00007FFA9585EF91]{ntdll.dll } RtlUserThreadStart

TextureAtlas says

= 01.11.2018 13:09:54 =

There was an error during the execution of this program.
The application might become unstable and even useless.
It’s recommended that you save your work and close this application.

Attempted to divide by zero.

Exception log with detailed tech info. Generated on 01.11.2018 13:09:42.
You may send it to the application vendor, helping him to understand what had happened.
Application title: ôôôô
Application file: C:\VVVV\vvvv_50beta37_x64\vvvv.exe

Exception class: EClrException
Exception message: Attempted to divide by zero.
Exception address: 0000000000000000

System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
at VVVV.Utils.VMath.VMath.Zmod(Int32 z, Int32 d)
at VVVV.PluginInterfaces.V2.Spread1.get_Item(Int32 index) at VVVV.PluginInterfaces.V2.Spread1.VVVV.PluginInterfaces.V2.NonGeneric.ISpread.get_Item(Int32 index)
at mp.essentials.Nodes.Generic.JoinTupleNode.Evaluate(Int32 SpreadMax) in C:\projects\mp-essentials\generic\TupleNodes.cs:line 85
at VVVV.Hosting.IO.PluginContainer.Evaluate(Int32 spreadMax)

Main thread ID = 14516
Exception thread ID = 14516

Exception stack
Stack list, generated 01.11.2018 13:09:42
[0000000000785018]{vvvv.exe } ClrUtils.ClrCheck (Line 1048, “ClrUtils.pas” + 2)
[00000000008FB9AB]{vvvv.exe } PluginNodes.TMPluginWrapperNode.CalculateNodeAndOutputSliceCounts (Line 1052, “PluginNodes.pas” + 23)
[0000000000A17FBA]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.Prepare (Line 1199, “Graph.pas” + 22)
[0000000000A1B80A]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMPin._Prepare (Line 2472, “Graph.pas” + 12)
[0000000000A1BBEF]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMPin._ValidateAllSlices (Line 2520, “Graph.pas” + 10)
[0000000000A180BC]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.ValidateAllOutputs (Line 1248, “Graph.pas” + 2)
[0000000000A18709]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.PrepareGraph (Line 1404, “Graph.pas” + 2)
[0000000000A18783]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.PrepareGraphCB (Line 1410, “Graph.pas” + 3)
[0000000000A10784]{vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 403, “Events.pas” + 11)
[0000000000A05C25]{vvvv.exe } MainLoop.TMMainLoop.DoTimer (Line 221, “MainLoop.pas” + 35)
[00000000006D5F39]{vvvv.exe } IdleTimer.TMIdleTimer.AppIdle (Line 153, “IdleTimer.pas” + 47)
[00000000005C7E1D]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Idle (Line 10743, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 8)
[00000000005C6978]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 10195, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 2)
[00000000005C6E64]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 10332, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 26)
[0000000000D95F8C]{vvvv.exe } vvvv.vvvv (Line 162, “” + 9)
[00007FFA93241FE4]{KERNEL32.DLL} BaseThreadInitThunk
[00007FFA9585EF91]{ntdll.dll } RtlUserThreadStart

Call stack for main thread
Stack list, generated 01.11.2018 13:09:42
[00007FFA95891B74]{ntdll.dll } ZwGetContextThread
[00000000004E7538]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 9978, “Vcl.Controls.pas” + 154)
[00000000005B89B0]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 4345, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 202)
[00000000004E67A9]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9691, “Vcl.Controls.pas” + 5)
[000000000048BF16]{vvvv.exe } System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 13896, “System.Classes.pas” + 9)
[00007FFA9516B85D]{USER32.dll } Unknown function at CallWindowProcW
[00007FFA9516B1EF]{USER32.dll } Unknown function at DispatchMessageW
[00000000005C68F4]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 10164, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 23)
[00000000005C6968]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 10194, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 1)
[00000000005BFA3D]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.ShowModal (Line 7036, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 34)
[0000000000959C29]{vvvv.exe } ExceptionDialog.TExceptionDialog.ShowException (Line 732, “ExceptionDialog.pas” + 37)
[0000000000958DC8]{vvvv.exe } ExceptionDialog.TExceptionDialog.ExceptionHandler (Line 531, “ExceptionDialog.pas” + 13)
[0000000000A126C5]{vvvv.exe } BasicObjects.TMObject.LogErrorFmt (Line 227, “BasicObjects.pas” + 7)
[00000000008FBA2B]{vvvv.exe } PluginNodes.TMPluginWrapperNode.CalculateNodeAndOutputSliceCounts (Line 1060, “PluginNodes.pas” + 31)
[0000000000A17FBA]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.Prepare (Line 1199, “Graph.pas” + 22)
[0000000000A1B80A]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMPin._Prepare (Line 2472, “Graph.pas” + 12)
[0000000000A1BBEF]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMPin._ValidateAllSlices (Line 2520, “Graph.pas” + 10)
[0000000000A180BC]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.ValidateAllOutputs (Line 1248, “Graph.pas” + 2)
[0000000000A18709]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.PrepareGraph (Line 1404, “Graph.pas” + 2)
[0000000000A18783]{vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.PrepareGraphCB (Line 1410, “Graph.pas” + 3)
[0000000000A10784]{vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 403, “Events.pas” + 11)
[0000000000A05C25]{vvvv.exe } MainLoop.TMMainLoop.DoTimer (Line 221, “MainLoop.pas” + 35)
[00000000006D5F39]{vvvv.exe } IdleTimer.TMIdleTimer.AppIdle (Line 153, “IdleTimer.pas” + 47)
[00000000005C7E1D]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Idle (Line 10743, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 8)
[00000000005C6978]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 10195, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 2)
[00000000005C6E64]{vvvv.exe } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 10332, “Vcl.Forms.pas” + 26)
[0000000000D95F8C]{vvvv.exe } vvvv.vvvv (Line 162, “” + 9)
[00007FFA93241FE4]{KERNEL32.DLL} BaseThreadInitThunk
[00007FFA9585EF91]{ntdll.dll } RtlUserThreadStart

and SSLAD are not there.

What type of animation you have? collada dx9 works quite nice and it’s portable
You porolly can post a video with animation or model you have in fbx or collada

@antokhio have you an Example for me?

So, I’m a few Steps forward.

How can I join the Mesh and the Skeleton? Or do I think wrong way?

Upload your patch and model

Okay, but its the first Modell i’ve ever created ;-)

Mensch.7z (48.4 KB)

First, you don’t have any animation exported in your file
Second try the this forum post DX11 DAE Skinning Animation - question - Forum

That’s right, i will make the Animation, means the movement e.g. of the Arms inside VVVV…
That’s my problem

Ahh good luck with that…
There was some set of nodes for dx9 for that, maybe you should start there

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