So MidiSysex_Send appears to crash a lot for me. When it does it freezes vvvv, which unfreezes if i disconnect the apcmini from usb. Restarting the patch wont help, you will need to unplug/plugin the midi controller at least once.
The only solution ive found so far is adding a monoflop to limit the send out to sending every ~0.15 seconds.
Ive connected the change to the last output of spellvalue to make sure theres no timing errors, between midi in → translate → midi out.
Idk, if you just struggle with midi, you can look on TodoMap, it allows you to use both OSC and MIDI on same values and there is options with feedback also
I’ve been using it successfully for quite a while, here example patch for one of my controllers: (14.7 KB)
Small demo how to setup todo map with vvvv exposed, sadly YouTube erased longer tutorial
Hey @antokhio ,
thanks totally forgot about TodoMap! Sadly i cant really use it since im parsing my midi Button Layout from an excel file.
So i think ive found another possible issue with the APC Mini. Basically everytime i move a few slider at the same time, while updating the LED lights on the controller, it crashes.
So ive added some logic to check for buffer Overflow before sending out Midi to the LEDs.
I currently cant get it to crash this way, It still feels kind of unsafe for production. I guess the controller crashes when it sends/receives to much at the same time, but thats just a guess from testing.
Hello @gegenlicht i am also working on a vl approach for apc mink since a while, although I came through a weird problem. VL doesnt recognize always my apc mini. Which is not happening, apparently, with other software such as ableton live.
So I left is aside for now, I ll get back with a link after uploading it on my GitHub.
BTW if anybody has any insight for what is going on with midi in and if I have to send any sysex msg in specific to my device in order to “activate” it please let me know.