But in the begining i see a curios thing, i dont know why but when i render with shader and loop in the queue render in the sader again it is offset in one pixel in X and in Y.
I need to make a transformation dependat of the render backbuffer to correct the error.
Know going to objetive there is another problem, i use a divisor make minimum adjust when the change it over threshold, i like if this number it bigger, but i loose a lot of presission because i only have an integer range between 0-256.
If i can get in memory float4x4 be great, but i dont know how JAJA
send you un update file.
You can see objects in movement make invisible, or try to this jaja
works nice, just a coding hint. the distance function returns a single float value that is the distance between the two vectors and the shader language allows to write vector calculations that work on all components of a vector very simple, the code can be reduced to:
i used to work with bg subtraction and lately i used a plugin by u7, here :)
It is GPU based and i’d like to make some test on patch i already know and use, can u update code and post the last version u have please ? thank u :)