is there a quick an easy way to create a series of filenames using writer (it seems to begin at zero index every time it starts…is it possible for there to be a begin and end index…i was trying to build filenames but couldnt figure how to convert value to string…)
also i would like to superimpose text over a group
what is conversion object?
How do I add Text into that group? It seems to output GDI format?
i really like little things in vvvv: today, learning that you can simply + strings, sweet and simple…
it’s always pleasant to learn a software whose solutions are simpler than your expectations…
I started with vvvv just some days ago. Now I’d like to see how the IOBox (color) works. I want to know, how to restrict the change of values to one mouse-axis like this IOBox does.
But yet I couldn’t figure out, how to have a look at what’s behind this node.
Any clues?
EDIT: additional to that, are there any nodes that can perform if-like operations? didn’find any. for example:
pin 1 is “true”, the input of pin 2 should get passed to the output-pin
EDIT2: Ok, found it. The S+H (Animation) does this job for now.
Inspektor (VVVV) gives you detailed info about a certain node, create one with ctrl+i. and look in the node category color for other color nodes (doubleclick, than rightclick on the empty node and move mouse to the left to see the category order). what a default IOBox (Color) does is a convenient HSV (Color) Join, x-axis is the hue and y-axis the value.