[2020.1 - 0040] Gamma throws exception with old-architecture Elementa widgets

hey all,

we’re in the process of converting Elementa widgets to a new architecture. when creating a widget node (from nodebrowser) that still uses the old architecture, Gamma throws this exception :

VL.Lang.Platforms.Roslyn.EmitException: D:\Documents\vvvv\gamma-preview\Sketches\callmenames-2020-04-01.vl.cs(76,62): error CS0012: The type ‘IElementum_I’ is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly ‘Elementa.Core.vl.TUt8c8ITGwgMcdDB3xWdFa, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’.

Full log here. Creating those creates a red node since stuff they used from the old architecture are now gone.

Then if you click Continue, this exception will pop every now and then.

But, if you create a widget that’s already been converted, no exception is thrown, and after that you can create old-architecture widgets, they don’t throw the aforementioned exception.

Can you point me to the git commit id in your repository so I can have a look? And also the node you’re then trying to create…

Sure, if you go there (f6c6fcfc17d9a4ae96518ee3f2a4be3596d9950f), reference Elementa in an empty patch and try to create a Vector4D for instance.

Then, if you close vvvv, and in a fresh patch create a widget that’s already been converted (like IntegerUpDown), you’ll be able to create the Vector4D without exception.

See [2020.1.7] Gamma throws exceptions when editing Elementa's Core documents - #4 by Elias - bug - Forum

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