[2019.2 - 0169] Forwarded operations : pin order mismatch between node and operation

helo all,

noticed this when forwarding a custom .NET lib on 0169. for test, I have created the following dumb C# class :

using System;

namespace MyLib
    public class MyClass
        public int MyInt { get; set; }
        public float MyFloat { get; set; }

        public MyClass(int i, float f)
            MyInt = i;
            MyFloat = f;

        public float IncrementFloat(float amnt, bool firstDumbParam, bool secondDumbParam)
            MyFloat += amnt;
            return MyFloat;

        public void SetInt(int i, bool firstDumbParam, bool secondDumbParam)
            MyInt = i;

when IncrementFloat is forwarded, its input pin that should be the leftmost is in third position. same problem for the output pin that’s not where it’s supposed to be :

in the forwarded operation, pins are in the right order though.

but the “reorder panel” shows the wrong order (the one that’s reflected in the Application patch)

when manually reordering the pins in the Forward patch, already created node is not affected by the re-order, but when creating another IncrementFloat, the first node gets its pins correctly reordered (as well as the new one of course).

also noticed another bug where pins could not be dragged when reordered in the definition patch (same as here), but could not repro everytime …

i’ve attached the lib/patches here so one can take a look, open UsesMyLib.vl : ForwardPinsOrder.zip (128.0 KB)

Thanks for the report, also noticed this. Will be fixed in upcoming builds (> 2019.2-0342)

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