[2019.2 - 0140] VL.ColorThief does not work on 2019.2

hello there,

sorry for the vague title, but can’t really spot where the error comes from. if you download the VL.ColorThief plugin (nuget install VL.ColorThief -pre), GetColor throws Sequence Contains No Element error. On 2019.1 0975, the help patches work fine.

So, steps to repro :

  • Open 2019.2
  • nuget install VL.ColorThief -pre
  • Open one of the two help patches and navigate to GetColor’s definition, this should pop up :

After F8/F5, either this happens or no error is shown but the calculation does not happen (returns white).

PS : is there a way right now to copy and paste error messages from a tooltip? would be handy for bugreports.

for copying error messages while the tooltip is visible press Ctrl+Shift+C

thanks, then here it is, just in case.

Root cause is reported here: [BUG] RasterImage has no Pixmap · Issue #1097 · mono/SkiaSharp · GitHub

As a workaround place a SKBitmap.FromImage and SKImage.FromBitmap inside your Bitmap (SKImage) node. For the SKBitmap nodes you need to enable the Obsolete switch in the nodebrowser. The PeekPixels method seems to work when the SKImage is backed by a SKBitmap.

Thanks for the pointer !

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