I would like to setup machine with 2 gpus to play 8 fullhd 60 fps videos in sync, anybody has experience with this? Vidoewall is made of 2x4 screens.
Currently i am using two pcs to render live the installation but i would like to have single pc cheaper solution (i imagine these gpus does not have to be high end to just play frames)
Alternative could be to render 2xhd on every output of gpu
Or use different system completely.
Of course i can use videowall settings on screens and have one HD picutre for every two screens but i am working with fine graphics and texts and sharpness of picture is prefered.
I am using samsung screens with integrated cpus and magicinfo but that thing seems very lame, and i do not trust it very much.
It this case streamlining the system is priority for me, any suggestions? Thanks!